Thursday, February 23, 2012

Agricultural Education

For me, Agricultural Education has been the most important part of my high school (and now college) experience. If it was not for Agriculture, FFA, and my high school FFA advisor, Jenny Bergmann, I would not be where I am today. Without the push from Mrs. Bergmann, I would not have joined FFA, I would not be at Murray State University, and I would most definitely not be studying Agricultural Education. This very determined woman convinced me that FFA wasn't just a bunch of "farmers" in silly blue jackets, which at first glance is what FFA at my high school seemed to be. Through the decision to join FFA, I was asked to compete in CDE's and also coach some of the CDE teams myself. Through this I learned what it is like to be responsible for more than just myself, and a little piece of what it is like to be an Agriculture teacher. During my senior year I finally had to nail down plans for the future while applying to college. Agricultural Education just seemed to be the right fit for me.

From this one little push, I have already learned so much, and I am well on my way to learning much more!

1 comment:

  1. My Agriculture teacher also pushed me to get involved in FFA. Without him, I would not be enrolled in Ag Ed today.
